All the colours have a lesson for us, energies to give us and wisdom within them.
If we learn to understand their language they can help us to grow peacefully into healthy, caring, motivated and brilliant people!!
Colour and light therapies have been used since ancient times in Egypt, Babylon,
and China. The Romans and Greeks used light therapies and even today the unseen
and sometimes harmful colour rays of ultra violet and infrared are used by the medical profession to heal. The middle rays of the spectrum are the colours that are usually just taken for granted though and few of us realize the importance of their energy or their healing ability.
Colour surrounds us from the day we are born. It is used every day to describe our health, attitudes, emotions and our behaviour. Learning and understanding the power of colour and its meaning can give us insights into ourselves and others. Using colours to heal can help us to balance our energies and appreciate and value all our experiences. We usually only use 9 colours for healing but here I have added black, brown, pink, white, gold and silver as we all use and wear these colours so it is important to know their meanings.