Personal Year Vibrations

Each year has its own number and colour vibration so 2011 would have a number 4 vibration which carries the colour energy of Green. We also have our own vibration for each year and to work out your personal year just add your birth date and month to this years date or any year you wish to work out. Bring it down to a one digit number in the same way you did your life path number.
For example to find your number for 2007 if your birthday is on the 16th April you would add 1+6+4+2+7= 20 then add 2+0=2 so your personal vibration year is a 2 for 2007.
If you wanted to know what it was in 1999 you would add 1+6+4+1+9+9+9= 39 then add 3+9=12 then add 1+2=3 so your vibration number for 1999 would be 3.
If our personal year vibration is the same as the year we are in we are likely to find the year much easier as we will be more in tune with its energy. So if our personal vibration for 2011 is number four then this year we would find ourselves feeling more comfortable and more confident especially when coping with the usual challenges that each year brings us all!
Each year has its own lessons for us from self awareness to self knowledge and it is good to keep these in mind as our year progresses. We will of course revisit these every nine years so the more we learn now the easier that year the next time.
For example to find your number for 2007 if your birthday is on the 16th April you would add 1+6+4+2+7= 20 then add 2+0=2 so your personal vibration year is a 2 for 2007.
If you wanted to know what it was in 1999 you would add 1+6+4+1+9+9+9= 39 then add 3+9=12 then add 1+2=3 so your vibration number for 1999 would be 3.
If our personal year vibration is the same as the year we are in we are likely to find the year much easier as we will be more in tune with its energy. So if our personal vibration for 2011 is number four then this year we would find ourselves feeling more comfortable and more confident especially when coping with the usual challenges that each year brings us all!
Each year has its own lessons for us from self awareness to self knowledge and it is good to keep these in mind as our year progresses. We will of course revisit these every nine years so the more we learn now the easier that year the next time.