
Crystals and gemstones have been prized and valued for centuries for their beauty. They have also been used through history to heal. Many ancient cultures have understood the hidden properties of these precious gems of the earth and today we can certainly benefit from their healing in our busy stressful lives.
All crystals carry their own unique energy bringing us a huge range of healing possibilities. They will help with almost everything from serious disease to uplifting your spirits. Each has its own distinct colour and as well as its own energy it will give you the colour energy as well.
Choosing the right crystal for you is a very personal experience. To start with it is an idea to collect a couple of stones from each of the colours so you can have a choice of the rainbow whenever you feel you need it.
Each stone will feel different to each person so some you love and work well for you will not necessarily work well for someone else. A crystal that is given as a gift is always precious and often chosen correctly for that person's needs at the time. Some of the best and most healing crystals I have are those I have been given. I think this is because they are given with love and the intent of helping you and that is just what they do!
You can use your chosen crystals in a number of ways. These are just a few; Carry them in your pocket, have them placed around your house, put them under your pillow or wear them as jewellery. You can even make your own gem healing water by putting your chosen crystal or crystals in some spring water and leaving for about 30 minutes to an hour before drinking.
Whatever you feel is right is right.
Most Crystals need cleansing regularly because they pick up negative energy. You need to cleanse them as soon as you buy them, before you use them. You can cleanse them in a few different ways but the easiest is to put them under running water and then leave them to dry naturally. You can also use incense or a smudge stick by putting the stone into the smoke you will clear the heavy negative energies it has picked up. Sage, cedar, sandalwood and frankincense are good.
You can bury stones in the earth if you feel they need thorough cleansing, just remember where you put them! You can also bury them in dry sea salt for 24 hours but be careful if you put them in salt water as this can harm some crystals. Putting smaller stones or jewellery onto an Amethyst or Clear quartz bed will also work well.
Crystals and gemstones have been prized and valued for centuries for their beauty. They have also been used through history to heal. Many ancient cultures have understood the hidden properties of these precious gems of the earth and today we can certainly benefit from their healing in our busy stressful lives.
All crystals carry their own unique energy bringing us a huge range of healing possibilities. They will help with almost everything from serious disease to uplifting your spirits. Each has its own distinct colour and as well as its own energy it will give you the colour energy as well.
Choosing the right crystal for you is a very personal experience. To start with it is an idea to collect a couple of stones from each of the colours so you can have a choice of the rainbow whenever you feel you need it.
Each stone will feel different to each person so some you love and work well for you will not necessarily work well for someone else. A crystal that is given as a gift is always precious and often chosen correctly for that person's needs at the time. Some of the best and most healing crystals I have are those I have been given. I think this is because they are given with love and the intent of helping you and that is just what they do!
You can use your chosen crystals in a number of ways. These are just a few; Carry them in your pocket, have them placed around your house, put them under your pillow or wear them as jewellery. You can even make your own gem healing water by putting your chosen crystal or crystals in some spring water and leaving for about 30 minutes to an hour before drinking.
Whatever you feel is right is right.
Most Crystals need cleansing regularly because they pick up negative energy. You need to cleanse them as soon as you buy them, before you use them. You can cleanse them in a few different ways but the easiest is to put them under running water and then leave them to dry naturally. You can also use incense or a smudge stick by putting the stone into the smoke you will clear the heavy negative energies it has picked up. Sage, cedar, sandalwood and frankincense are good.
You can bury stones in the earth if you feel they need thorough cleansing, just remember where you put them! You can also bury them in dry sea salt for 24 hours but be careful if you put them in salt water as this can harm some crystals. Putting smaller stones or jewellery onto an Amethyst or Clear quartz bed will also work well.
A Rough Guide to Colour and Crystals

Each colour has a different affect on our physical body, our minds and our emotions.
We need all the colours in order to stay healthy and well and crystals are a wonderful
way to bring colour into our lives. Examples of crystals are given with each colour.
Some can be used for more then one colour like amber which could be orange,
yellow or gold and in some cases even brown.
We need all the colours in order to stay healthy and well and crystals are a wonderful
way to bring colour into our lives. Examples of crystals are given with each colour.
Some can be used for more then one colour like amber which could be orange,
yellow or gold and in some cases even brown.
Use Black crystals for protection, deflection, centring and anchoring energy. They will help you to face your fears and gain control over your experiences. Black tourmaline, Smokey quartz, Black obsidian, Jet, Black onyx, Apache tear, Snowflake obsidian
Use Brown crystals for grounding, focus, concentration, self discipline and loyalty. They will give you a feeling of security. Mahogany Obsidian, Chiastolite, Bronzite, Aragonite, Boulder Opal, Petrified Wood |
Use Red crystals for stimulating, energising, courage, ambition, direction and motivation. They will move you into action! Red Jasper, Garnet, Red Tigers Eye, Mookaite, Red Calcite
Use Orange crystals for assimilating energy, creativity, playfulness, trauma, depression and grief. They will help you to explore all your relationships. Carnelian, Sunstone, Amber, Peach Aventurine, Sardonyx, Orange garnet, Copper, Orange Calcite |
Use Yellow crystals for optimism, assertiveness, learning and studying, clarity and energising the brain. They will help you to be objective and good humoured. Citrine, Yellow Jasper, Yellow jade, Yellow and Sunshine Calcite, Yellow Aventurine
Use Green crystals for balance, harmony, calm, stability, diplomacy, cleansing and adapting to change. They will give you the understanding to love freely and without conditions. Aventurine, Jade, Malachite, Peridot, Emerald, Fuchsite, Tree agate, Unakite, Prehnite, Chrysoprase, Green Calcite, Dioptase |
Use Turquoise crystals for relaxing, tranquillity, independence, self esteem and openness. They will help you to communicate your truth. Turquoise, Aquamarine, Chinese amazonite, Chrysocolla, Shattuckite, Quantum Quatro, Cavansite
Use Blue crystals for communication, empathy, teaching others, peace and stillness. They will help you to be conscientious and honest in all you do. Blue lace agate, Blue calcite, Angelite, Celestite, Kyanite, Blue Opal, Blue Chalcedony |
Use Indigo crystals for increasing perception, inspiration, reflection, determination to succeed and soothing pain of any kind. They will give you the ability to see that which is hidden. Lapis Lazuli, Sodalite, Sapphire, Azurite, Pietersite, Blue tigers eye
Use Violet crystals for balancing energies, spiritual growth, respect, faith and hope. They will help you to feel composed in any situation. Amethyst, Fluorite, Charoite, Lepidolite, Tanzanite, Iolite, Ametrine |
Use Magenta crystals for wisdom, acceptance, kindness, compassion, equality and love. They will give you the passion and energy you need to change. Thulite, Ruby, Dark pink tourmaline, Raspberry Aventurine
Use Pink crystals for love, comfort, gentleness, contentment, forgiveness and self acceptance. They will bring you a feeling of warmth and affection. Rose Quartz, Rhodochrosite, Rhodonite, Kunzite, Mangano, Dolomite, Smithsonite, Pink Opal, Petalite, Morganite |
Use White and Clear crystals for wholeness, amplifying energy, patience, purifying and stabilising. They will cleanse and balance the mind, body and spirit. Clear Quartz, Selenite, Howlite, Apophyllite, Moonstone, Snow quartz, Danburite, Pearl, Optical calcite, Diamond
Use Silver crystals for equilibration, reflection and calming emotions. They will help you to go with the flow of life. Silver, Hematite, Galena, Lodestone, Stibnite |
Use Gold crystals for optimism, trust, hope and developing your wisdom. They will help you to succeed in all you set out to do.