
Numerology is the study of numbers. Numbers are a universal language and many believe that all the answers to all the questions we have can be found in numbers if we learn how to read their own very unique language. The same could be said about colour so if we put both together who knows what we will be able to do! Each number has a meaning and energy of its own and these interpretations can be traced back to ancient civilisations. Numbers have always had a magical appeal through history and this fascination is no different today. The system most often used in numerology is the Greek philosopher, mathematician and astrologer Pythagoras’s. Pythagoras believed that beauty and harmony could be explained by numbers. He is sometimes called the father of numerology. Everything is energy and everything has its own vibration, the colours, the chakras and the crystals all give us an energy we can use to understand ourselves better and help us to stay healthy and well and numbers are no different.
Below are the ways of working out some of the numbers in a numerology chart.
Whole name number (that on your birth certificate) will give you the personality traits the outside world and those you do not know well see. The colour and crystal energy associated with your number will assist you most in dealing with the public world.
First Name Number will give you the personality traits you show to those you know well and to yourself. This colour and crystal energy will be your driving force and motivation for achievement and will help you in all your personal relationships.
To calculate your name numbers and colours you add all the letter values using Pythagoras’s alphabet until you have a single digit number. You can do that here
This number gives you the path you have chosen this time to give you the most chance of learning the lessons you need to in this lifetime. The colour and crystals associated with your number will help you to understand your journey and bring you back when you stray from your path.
To find your life path number and colour you add your birth date numbers until you have a single digit number.
More about life paths here
This number can help you to understand your behaviour and how you interact with everyday situations. The colour and crystal energy associated with this number will help you find peace with yourself.
To find your birthday number you just take the number of the date you were born.
If your birth date has 2 numbers add them together until you have a one digit number from 1 to 9 as you do for all your numbers.
If you wish to know the number and colour energy of a certain year just add your birthday number and month number to the year in question and look at the number and colour meanings to give you some idea of what kind of year it could be. You can do that here
Below are the ways of working out some of the numbers in a numerology chart.
Whole name number (that on your birth certificate) will give you the personality traits the outside world and those you do not know well see. The colour and crystal energy associated with your number will assist you most in dealing with the public world.
First Name Number will give you the personality traits you show to those you know well and to yourself. This colour and crystal energy will be your driving force and motivation for achievement and will help you in all your personal relationships.
To calculate your name numbers and colours you add all the letter values using Pythagoras’s alphabet until you have a single digit number. You can do that here
This number gives you the path you have chosen this time to give you the most chance of learning the lessons you need to in this lifetime. The colour and crystals associated with your number will help you to understand your journey and bring you back when you stray from your path.
To find your life path number and colour you add your birth date numbers until you have a single digit number.
More about life paths here
This number can help you to understand your behaviour and how you interact with everyday situations. The colour and crystal energy associated with this number will help you find peace with yourself.
To find your birthday number you just take the number of the date you were born.
If your birth date has 2 numbers add them together until you have a one digit number from 1 to 9 as you do for all your numbers.
If you wish to know the number and colour energy of a certain year just add your birthday number and month number to the year in question and look at the number and colour meanings to give you some idea of what kind of year it could be. You can do that here