Each number has a meaning and energy of its own and these interpretations can be traced back to ancient civilisations. The system most often used in numerology is the Greek philosopher, mathematician and astrologer Pythagoras’s, he believed that beauty and harmony could be explained by numbers. Everything is energy and everything has its own vibration, the colours, the chakras and the crystals all give us an energy we can use to understand ourselves better and help us to stay healthy and well and numbers are no different. Below are the energies each number will bring you.
NINE will help you to be wise, determined, courageous, kind and organised. Nine teaches us to be aware of our emotions, use our compassion and nurture the best in others.
You can choose crystals for the energy of their number vibration and their colour as well as the properties they contain. We make number jewellery which can be worn to help you follow your life path or just because you feel you need that numbers energy at this time. If you would like a bracelet made for you or as a gift please mail us at [email protected]